Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two Weeks In...

Today is my two week anniversary for being in Nigeria. On the one hand (especially when in my pre-nursery class), it feels like I’ve been here for months and months, on the other hand-- when realizing how little of Nigeria I have experienced—it seems that I’ve just arrived.  In some ways I feel like I’m getting quite comfortable and acclimating to the area, though at some points I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water.
We’ve been progressing in leaps and bounds in pre-nursery this week. Not ONLY have the learned what an alligator and the number zero are, but students  have also been introduced to the horrible consequence known as “THE TIME OUT CHAIR.” The nine of them provide plenty of cute moments, but not without a load of frustration and exhaustion. Cute moment today was during prayer, when two little munchkins interject several boisterous “AMEN”s into my prayer. No doubt they have picked up on this from the Christian culture here where such interjections are very, very common.  Coming from a two year old, though, is priceless.
Bible class this week so far is rocking my socks off. Though I’ve just done an introductory and review lesson on what they covered last year, I’ve gotten some awesome questions and concerns from the kids. I did a brief overview of what the bible is, and then some fundamental characteristics of God – things that many of us accept without question, like, He is without beginning or end, everywhere, all knowing, a spiritual being.  One of the most difficult things for the 4th graders came from this question, “Ms. Lee Anne, if God was before the world and created the world, then who created God???” He couldn’t have just been there! Surely He had a beginning!!  The kids actually got a bit riled up with this confusing concept. And then there were great questions, like, “Ms. Lee Anne, do we look like little ants to God?” and “If the bible is God’s message to me, did he write it down with a pen, or what?”  The level of engagement and interest that I’m seeing from these kids, from the 1st to the 5th grade classes (6th is tomorrow) is thrilling, motivating, and inspiring.  And get this, I asked the 5th graders to jot down what their opinion of the bible was currently. Besides a couple responses like, “The bible is a big book,” the kids answers were beautiful and simple. For example, “The Bible is true, interesting, and about God—which is my favorite.”  That’s what I’m talkin’ about. I am so excited to learn from these kid’s enthusiasm and simplicity as we study the bible together.
In other news, Monday was a super long day because we had our “Back to School Night” event.  Though we were all tired as things wrapped up, several teacher’s aids did manage to fit in a nice debate about whether or not I would marry a Nigerian. The vote, for your information, was 3 in favor and 1 opposed. But, seeing as there were only 4 people involved in that poll, I may have to do further study to get scientifically sound results.
Yesterday was a tough day for some reason. I was absolutely exhausted and not in the most joyful mood—definitely in need of some encouragement and heart change. Good thing God knows me so well and is so great at satisfying my soul.  Last night we went to a South African compound about 20 miles from here where we had been invited to a Bible Study. Karen, Equi, and the other Americans have been going for a while. It was the BEST fellowship and encouragement that I’ve received since I’ve been here. There were about a dozen South Africans, Americans, and Nigerian gathered in a home where we shared a meal, worshiped God, and prayed together. I am so looking forward to getting to know these folks more and continuing to fellowship with them. What a blessing.
The weekend begins tomorrow, and I sure am ready for a rest. Funny thing is, compared to Gretchen and Katie, who I live with, I have very few responsibilities and resulting stress.  Please pray for strength for all of us and that we would be effective and contagious lights for Him.
p.s. more pictures are on their way. have no fear.


  1. I love hearing about your adventure, LeeAnne!

  2. I've never quite lost the "amen"s and especially the "hallelujah"s since we left there . . . It's great!! :-D
